Am văzut marea când era furtună şi vânt; am văzut-o când era calmă şi liniştită; când era întunecată şi misterioasă. Şi în toate aceste moduri, m-am recunoscut pe mine. (Martin Buxbaum)
sâmbătă, august 27
vineri, august 19

Viaţa noastră se perfecţionează cu fiecare zi ce trece pe drumul continuitaţii. Deja simţim nevoia de a căuta emoţii, viziuni, scântei şi oameni noi. Dorim să iubim, să fim iubiţi şi să visăm... Dacă privim spre cer, realizăm că mişcarea nu are loc... suntem paralizaţi, într-o capcană a ideilor standarte. Atunci ar fi cazul să ne injectăm cu viteză şi să parcurgem paşi spre o viaţă fără complexe imaginare.
luni, august 15
miercuri, august 10
Alergăm după fericire până departe, fie pe mare, fie pe uscat; dar fericirea e aici, aproape. ;x
Fericirea e ceva ce nu se atinge niciodată, dar pentru căutarea ei merită să alergi toată viaţa. ;x
Ai încredere în inima ta dacã marea ia foc, trãieşte cu dragoste când stelele merg înapoi. ♥
.Your love never fails♥
Înainte de a mă judeca, încearcă să mă iubeşti!
Love is when you look into someone`s eyes, and see everything you need. ;x
Do what makes you happy. Be with who makes you smile.
True love doesn't have a happy ending, because true love never ends.
If I could reach up and hold a star for every time you made me smile the entire evening sky would be in the palm of my hand.
Love Is A Painting And Your Heart Is The Paint Brush.
A smiling face doesn't always mean a smiling heart.
Being happy doesn`t mean that everything is perfect. It means that you have decided to look beyond the imperfections.
Zâmbeşte chiar dacă este un zâmbet trist căci mai trist decât un zâmbet trist e tristeţea de a nu şti să zâmbeşti.
Fericirea sau nefericirea oamenilor este în mare parte opera lor.
Love is something eternal, the aspect may change, but not the essence. ;x
La vie sans chocolat est comme une plage sans la mer. ♥
Love Is Like Wine. It Taste Better As It Gets Older...
You'll never understand what love is until you lose it. You'll never know how much you love someone until he's gone forever.
We come to love not by finding a perfect person, but by learning to see an imperfect person perfectly.
No one has ever loved anyone the way everyone wants to be loved.
The reduction of the universe to a single being,
the expansion of a single being even to God, this is love.
Love is friendship set on fire.
No one is perfect until you fall in love with them.
Listen to the love around you. Your ears are open even if your mind is closed.
There Are Millions Of People In This world, But In The end It All Comes Down To One.
Celebrate the happiness that friends are always giving,
make every day a holiday and celebrate just living.
The best proof of love is trust.
`Where there is love, there is God also.
There is only one kind of love,
but there are a thousand imitations.
The pleasantest things in the world are pleasant thoughts: and the great art of life is to have as many of them as possible.
Don't find love, let love find you.
Love, true love, is that which can give the most
without asking or demanding anything in return.
`Love... What is love?
Love is to love someone for who they are, who they were, and who they will be.
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