''Întâi te vor înjura. Pe urmă vor râde de tine. Apoi te vor declara nebun. După aceea vor face tot posibilul să te compromită. Într-un final vor încerca să te lichideze. Dacă scapi cu viaţă din toate astea, vei fii un om cu adevărat mare.''(Gandhi)
Four have the power. One will stop at nothing to possess it.
To save the future, they must battle their past.
In 1692, five families with untold power formed a covenant of silence. One family lusting for more, was banished, their bloodline disappearing without a trace. Until now.
Andreea: To dust....I get wake up in the morning and i'm lost...I let my love to dust I get wake up in the morning and i'm lost...I let my love to dust
Andreea&Dony Ref: Una noche de samba,de samba,de samba Y mi chico que baila,que baila,que baila Me da todo su calo,su calor,su calor Anima no me-namor
Andreea: All around the world,all around the world is crazy samba Dony: Finally i have found,i have found a girl who makes me rumble Andreea&Dony: All around the world,don't you know this fever is sambaaaaa
Andreea&Dony: Ref: Una noche de samba,de samba,de samba Y mi chico que baila,que baila,que baila Me da todo su calo,su calor,su calor Anima no me-namor
Ref: Una noche de samba,de samba,de samba Y mi chico que baila,que baila,que baila Me da todo su calo,su calor,su calor Anima no me-namor
Andreea&Dony: I've been around the world,but i love this party I've been around the world,but i love this party I've been around the world,but i love this party
Ref: Una noche de samba,de samba,de samba Y mi chico que baila,que baila,que baila Me da todo su calo,su calor,su calor Anïma no me-namor
Dangerous feelings break out my soul It's just the meaning of being alone I need you here wherever you are I need you now to take me so far I wanna run like the speed of the sound I was somewhere , I 'm sure you're around You give me now the meaning of life...
With you I'm feeling alive Ooooooo...
Refren: Why you're lookin' like that I'm burning like fire I wanna be higher Just let me know Why you're lookin' like that You're driving me crazy You're lookin' amazïng
Verse 1: Te amo, te amo, she say's to me. I hear the pain in her voice. Then we danced underneath the candleabra, she takes the lead. That's when i saw it in her eyes, it's over.
Chorus: Then she said Te amo, then she put her hand around me waist. I told her no she cried Te amo, i told her i'm not gonna run away, but let me go. My soul has arrived, without asking why. I said Te amo, wish somebody would tell me what she said. Don't it mean I love you. I think it means I love you. Don't it mean I love you.
Verse 2: Te amo, te amo, she's scared to breathe. I hold her hand, i got no choice, uhh. Pulled me out on the beach, danced in the water, I start to leave. She's begging me and asking why it's over.
Chorus: Then she said Te amo, then she put her hand around me waist. I told her no she cried Te amo, i told her i'm not gonna run away, but let me go. My soul has arrived, without asking why. I said Te amo, wish somebody would tell me what she said. Don't it mean I love you. I think it means I love you. Don't it mean I love you.
Bridge: Yes we can dance. But you gotta watch your hands. Watch me all night. I move under the light because i understand. That we all need love, and i'm not afraid. I feel the love but i don't feel that way.
Chorus: Then she said Te amo, then she put her hand around me waist. I told her no she cried Te amo, i told her i'm not gonna run away, but let me go. My soul has arrived, without asking why. I said Te amo, wish somebody would tell me what she said Don't it mean I love you. I think it means I love you. Don't it mean I love you. I think it means I love you, I love you.
Vemea pe litoral a fost bestială... Skijetul, hidrobicicleta, banana gonflabilă sunt câteva din puţinele alternative pentru petrecerea timpului liber. De asemenea ce-am mai observat ar fi turiştii înnebuniţi după toate accesoriile, ''prostiile de la tarabe''. Întreaga plajă, cursele pe valuri sunt de fiecare dată o aventură. palpitantă.
"Este atât de uşor să vezi în adâncul oamenilor şi nu-ţi ajută la nimic", remarcă Elias Canetti, făcând aluzie la cât de simplu şi în acelaşi timp cât de inutil este să le găsim celorlalţi defecte. Nu ştiu de ce, dar din diferite motive, oamenii consideră că este mult mai uşor de remarcat defectele înaintea calităţilor atunci când analizezi o persoană. Cu toţii avem păreri total diferite asupra noţiunii de ''defect'' sau ''calitate''. "De gustibus non est disputandum".
Adevărata muzică este cea pe care o poţi înţelege, o poţi simţi...
:x Give me release Witness me I am outside Give me peace Heaven holds a sense of wonder And I wanted to believe that I'd get caught up when the rage in me subsides Passion choke the flower Until she cries no more Possessing all the beauty Hungry still for more Heaven holds a sense of wonder And I wanted to believe that I'd get caught up when the rage in me subsides In this white wave I am sinking in this silence In this white wave in this silence I believe I can't help this longing Comfort me I can't hold it all in If you won't let me Heaven holds a sense of wonder And I wanted to believe that I'd get caught up when the rage in me subsides In this white wave I am sinking In this silence In this white wave In this silence I believe I have seen you in this white wave you are silent You are breathing in this white wave I am free
Tânărul chitarist irlandez Louis şi frumoasa violoncelistă Lyla se întâlnesc într-o noapte magică în Washington Square. Obligaţi să se despartă, cei doi lasă în urmă un copil, August Rush. Adevărata minune a muzicii, August ajunge la zece ani să-şi câştige pâinea cântând pe străzile New-Yorkului. De el are grijă un străin misterios, care-l ajută să-şi îndeplinească cea mai arzătoare dorinţă: găsirea părinţilor săi.